Dear Contest Participants and Audience!
We are pleased to present to you the winners of the 2024 blogger content competition *"To Russia with Love"*, selected by our jury from among our mentor bloggers. These winners were chosen from the submitted applications for joint work and the creation of engaging video content about our beautiful country and its people!
We are also excited to announce that in the regions selected for visits and filming, our mentor bloggers will conduct masterclasses, sharing their expertise and insights into the blogging profession.
For inquiries about participating in the masterclasses, please contact:
Here is the list of projects from our applicants who won the right to be brought to life by our mentor bloggers:
Expat American
- Moscow Region, Pavel Kabanov: *"Landmarks of Kolomna."*
- Kaluga Region, Ilya Chikolini: *"Ethnomir – A Platform for Cultural Dialogue."*
- Sverdlovsk Region, Dmitry Antonov – impressed the jury and won with a series of filming ideas:
*"I propose creating a video series about the Urals (Sverdlovsk Region) as a NON-CAPITAL region that offers opportunities for life, growth, and self-realization."*
The Most Russian American
- Vladimir Region, Alina:
*"Dobrograd is a new city designed for comfortable living and working for three generations of a family. People from all over the world are relocating there. Dobrograd is also developing a turnkey relocation project for people from Europe and the US."*
- Tver Region, Oleg:
*"I propose filming a feature about the Tver Carriage Works."*
Neues aus Russland
- Republic of Crimea, Arsen & Anastasia:
*"A tour of the historical complex of Chersonesus."*
- Irkutsk Region, Alexey:
*"I propose shooting a video on Olkhon Island, sharing stories about the island's shamans and Lake Baikal."*
Moscow Photographer
- Republic of Tatarstan, Adam:
*"My video idea is to travel to Kazan with a mentor blogger and tell the story of this unique region and its role in international affairs! The goal of the video is to increase the city's and region's popularity as an attractive place for living, employment, and tourism."*
- Yaroslavl Region, Linara Turovets:
*"The concept of my video is to showcase Yaroslavl as part of Russia's Golden Ring. Many Westerners looking to move to Russia for ideological, moral, or spiritual reasons are often drawn to the Yaroslavl region. I propose that the video highlight two themes: the city's stunning architecture and rich history.
Creating a video about our city, specifically tailored for a Western audience, could help attract positive attention, boost tourism, and encourage investment in the Yaroslavl region!"*
The author of the *Moscow Photographer* channel has decided to create two videos about Yaroslavl, covering these topics in depth.
We are pleased to present to you the winners of the 2024 blogger content competition *"To Russia with Love"*, selected by our jury from among our mentor bloggers. These winners were chosen from the submitted applications for joint work and the creation of engaging video content about our beautiful country and its people!
We are also excited to announce that in the regions selected for visits and filming, our mentor bloggers will conduct masterclasses, sharing their expertise and insights into the blogging profession.
For inquiries about participating in the masterclasses, please contact:
Here is the list of projects from our applicants who won the right to be brought to life by our mentor bloggers:
Expat American
- Moscow Region, Pavel Kabanov: *"Landmarks of Kolomna."*
- Kaluga Region, Ilya Chikolini: *"Ethnomir – A Platform for Cultural Dialogue."*
- Sverdlovsk Region, Dmitry Antonov – impressed the jury and won with a series of filming ideas:
*"I propose creating a video series about the Urals (Sverdlovsk Region) as a NON-CAPITAL region that offers opportunities for life, growth, and self-realization."*
The Most Russian American
- Vladimir Region, Alina:
*"Dobrograd is a new city designed for comfortable living and working for three generations of a family. People from all over the world are relocating there. Dobrograd is also developing a turnkey relocation project for people from Europe and the US."*
- Tver Region, Oleg:
*"I propose filming a feature about the Tver Carriage Works."*
Neues aus Russland
- Republic of Crimea, Arsen & Anastasia:
*"A tour of the historical complex of Chersonesus."*
- Irkutsk Region, Alexey:
*"I propose shooting a video on Olkhon Island, sharing stories about the island's shamans and Lake Baikal."*
Moscow Photographer
- Republic of Tatarstan, Adam:
*"My video idea is to travel to Kazan with a mentor blogger and tell the story of this unique region and its role in international affairs! The goal of the video is to increase the city's and region's popularity as an attractive place for living, employment, and tourism."*
- Yaroslavl Region, Linara Turovets:
*"The concept of my video is to showcase Yaroslavl as part of Russia's Golden Ring. Many Westerners looking to move to Russia for ideological, moral, or spiritual reasons are often drawn to the Yaroslavl region. I propose that the video highlight two themes: the city's stunning architecture and rich history.
Creating a video about our city, specifically tailored for a Western audience, could help attract positive attention, boost tourism, and encourage investment in the Yaroslavl region!"*
The author of the *Moscow Photographer* channel has decided to create two videos about Yaroslavl, covering these topics in depth.